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Altis Anti-Termite System


It is a patented Reticulation System designed to effectively treat the area under concrete slabs, for protection against infestation by subterranean termites and around the external perimeter of structures to prevent termites entering from the outside of a building. Altis is installed prior to laying of the concrete slab for the internal system and externally after external work has been completed but prior to any concreting, paving etc. Chemicals are added after the concrete slab has dried and so does not expose occupants to chemicals.


Unlike any other system which uses pipes which have been perforated, the Altis system uses flexible unperforated pipes, which have emitters fabricated into the pipe. Emitters the heart and soul of the system are fused into the pipe and these act as a back flow preventers, filters and are scientifically graduated to flow at the rate of 3.6 litres per hour. The Emitters are located every 175mm along the length of the ribbon, tape or pipe which is at least double the recommended minimum material needed to deliver and spread the chemicals. These emitters distribute chemical at a measured rate. This is of particular advantage in difficult areas such as clay sites, uneven sand pads, and step-downs. The termiticide is induced at low pressure, which combined with controlled rate emitters maintains an even distribution at all points along a pipe. Because of this "even flow" it is not necessary to balance each line in the system against other lines. Lines do not need to be of similar length. A requirement of other systems. A further benefit is that each line can be run for up to 50 metres, making it possible to treat the entire circumference of most residences from one pump up point.

The use of emitters ensures no grit, roots from vegetation, or other form of intrusion will clog the pipe and render it ineffective.

Another unique, patented difference is that the pipes are laid over a perforated plastic membrane, beneath the builder's membrane. In this way chemical is distributed evenly and reduces the risk of any area being untreated.

The heart of the Altis System- The Emitter


An Altis system avoids the cost of expensive retreatment including drilling and retrenching which is necessary when the handspraying method is used, this is a process that may be repeated several times. It is simple and non intrusive to recharge an Altis system. This adds up to a substantial nett saving in the long term and makes Altis a true investment, not a cost.

Drilling holes damages the builder's moisture resisting membrane and creates further access to Termites in the future. A preinstalled ALTIS system means that this intrusion would be unnecessary. This is a substantial saving in costs and no intrusion by drilling or trenching.

This includes internal floor areas. External trenches may also be needed and paving lifted and in extreme cases concrete may need to be cut. This may cause costly damage to floor coverings and inconvenience to tenants or homeowner.

Spread over the 50 year life of a system the cost is less than $2.00 per week for a typical home. An Altis system is the most cost effective insurance.


A condition of the ALTIS warranty is annual inspection with retreatment if required. The Australian standard 3660.1-2000 recommends that maintenance be carried out within 3 months of completion of the building and then not less than every twelve months thereafter. The primary purpose of the yearly inspection is to ensure breaches of the chemical barrier have not occurred. Altis systems are installed by Altis trained and accredited persons.

The Pest Management company that is licensed to install Altis is responsible for installation and to use the chemicals injected according to the chemical supplier's label. As part of the yearly maintenance ALTIS licensees can offer the retreatment of the system on a more regular basis to ensure peace of mind. The service will be less expensive and less intrusive than a drill and trench treatment.


Our low-pressure system with flexible pipes, controlled rate emitters and plastic membrane uses the most recent technology which is far superior to other reticulation systems. Most Altis materials are made in Australia. We do not import cheap overseas pipe, as chemicals are specially blended for Anti-Termite irrigation.

Altis complies with the requirements of the Australian Standard 3660.1-2000 and the requirements of the building code of Australia. Laboratory work, field trails, engineering reports and computer simulations support these opinions. Altis are constantly re-appraising their system, and CSIRO opinions are updated frequently.

Engineer reports show that the flexible pipes bend but will not break if subjected to soil movement, a common problem in clay soils. The perforated plastic membrane will prevent excess addition of water to clay, and the Altis system can use one fifth of the normal water used to deliver chemicals. (Water simply adds to clay movement). The emitters do not allow foreign materials in or out of the pipes.

Where a clay site has only a minimum sand bed due to supply constraints, Altis will still deliver chemicals evenly and effectively (subject to regular inspection and required maintenance by your licensed Pest control company in accordance with a warranty contract).


With a premium full under slab system and an external perimeter system every corner is protected.


Even a slab built to Australian Standard 2870 can crack enough to produce a 1.3mm opening. This is sufficient for subterranean termites to enter and disperse undetected.

There is a misconception that most attacks start on the outside of a construction. In fact many attacks are under the slab, and full protection is the best insurance.

Pipes are spread 300mm apart on perforated plastic sheet over the entire area of the slab. The Altis Premium system incorporates an Altis External perimeter treatment to provide the best possible protection. No other system contains this huge safety margin.

The Altis Internal Perimeter System covers both the internal perimeters of the building as well as service penetrations through the concrete slab.

This system can only be used when the slab is constructed in accordance with Australian Standard 2870. It consists of a 600mm wide perforated sheet with 2 dripper lines.

Any slab penetrations must also be linked to the system.





Perimeter systems will vary according to soil type and construction method, the Altis systems can be adapted to requirements.

There are two products which can be used to meet the requirements to provide a complete external barrier.

The two products are the 150mm wide perforated sheet with one dripper line and the 300mm unperforated sheet also with one dripper line. These two products can be used singularly or in combination.

Your accredited Altis installer can advise you on what best suits your situation.




Augusta Pest Control

43 Shirley Street, Port Augusta West

Ph: 08 8642 4595

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