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Homeguard - Termite Management

HomeGuard is an innovative Precision Termite Management System and is classified as a chemical termite barrier in a non-soil matrix combining the attributes of both chemical and physical Termite management Systems while meeting the 'Performance Appraisal' requirements of the Building Code of Australia.

HomeGuard is the first and only chemical barrier in a non-soil matrix product ever registered by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA).


Cut roll of DPC


Slab installed with HomeGuard DPC

HomeGuard is the first and only single sheet termite moisture barrier containing an Australian registered termiticide in a polymer matrix.

HomeGuard captures the best of both systems. Installed as a physical barrier, it also has the ability to kill and repel attacking termites. Plus it’s environmentally friendly, completely non-invasive and won’t corrode, crack or delaminate like some other physical barriers.

HomeGuard in brickwork and frame up

HomeGuard is locked into the home

HomeGuard is sealed permanently in your new home’s foundations, so you won’t disturb it when you garden, lay paving or paths.

Backed by a 10-Year Warranty*, Australian made HomeGuard is the only AVPMA registered physical termite barrier - so you know it works. There’s no question about it.

Sentricon Termite Bait System


Augusta Pest Control uses the Sentricon Termite Bait System.

Sentricon Termite Bait System is a professional termite control product, providing a safe, non-invasive answer to your concerns about termite attack and damage in your home.

I've found termites - What now?

  • Don't Panic
  • Don't spray them with fly spray- it has no effect.
  • Call a professional pest manager -Augusta Pest Control - for a thorough property inspection and advice on treatment options.
  • Pest managers are experienced in property inspections and the servicing and maintenance of specialises systems.
  • Sentricon Termite Bait Systems can only be installed by a professional pest manager.

Sentricon - Why choose our system?

  • Placed strategically and discreetly around your home to form a continuous barrier.
  • Eliminates the termite colony.
  • The Sentricon IG Termiticide rod has been shown to be effective for up to five years in Australian conditions.
  • Sentricon AlwaysActive is so specific, no other insects or animals are affected by it. non-Toxic to humans, with no irritation or sensitisation potential.
  • Meets Australian standards, is wholly Australian owned and manufactured.

Augusta Pest Control

43 Shirley Street, Port Augusta West

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